
State grants are available that may help reimburse the cost of invasive weed mitigation but we have to raise money first and get the plan moving forward before we can apply for grant reimbursement. Any funds not consumed by the initial treatments or that are reimbursed by State of CT grants will be rolled forward to fund future treatments in this ongoing project.

Friends of Great Hill Pond Applied for grant funding for 2024. Unfortunately we were unable to secure grant funding for our treatment program due to

  • Increased competition for funding

  • Lack of public access relative to other grant applicants

  • Other proposed funding sites were prioritized because of higher priority invasive species

The state agency that administers these grants has assured us that our application was technically sound and that we should continue to apply for funding in 2025 and beyond.

Summer 2024 Update

Due to a great fundraising response from the community we were able to complete the curly leaf treatment in early May and the Fanwort treatment in late June. At this point all 2024 treatments are complete and there will not be any additional treatments this year. The results from the treatments have been good, thank you for all of your support!

We now have until April 2025 to hit our next fundraising goal so we can repeat the process in 2025 to keep the weeds at bay. We will publish a formal fundraising goal later in the Summer and publicize that to the community. In the meantime please donate when you can and enjoy the rest of the Summer on the pond!

Financial Statements

Support Great Hill Pond

Friends of Great Hill Pond is a registered 501c3 nonprofit organization run by volunteers in and around the Great Hill Pond community.